Personal Ministries


Discipleship Manuals

Personal Ministries Department and Family Life

Sepik Mission is one of the Missions of the Seventh day Adventist Church in Papua New Guinea Union Mission that has a very challenging task in reaching the rural population due to its geographical settings. There are places where there are no roads and it is very costly by plane so the only way to get there is by walking. Mission Pastors walk for days to get to places like Amanab or Ituli and it requires a lot of sacrifice. However Soul winning must 'BE A PASSION' and not only a job in the Mission field. For this quinqennium Sepik Mission aimed at baptizing 8,000 souls and this mission is already on its way to reach this target. The aim of building new church this year was 100 however this mission can praise God for already having 150 new churches built. Personal Ministries Department has now taken the Discovery Bible Reading initiative forward and almost all districts in Sepik Mission are now conducting Discovery Bible Reading in residential areas as well as having it structured into Sabbath School. This Mission is also taking the lead in the Exchange Program between Papua New Guinea Union Mission and West Papua of which the President of Sepik Mission is the Chairman of the Committee. We exalt God for work so far in this Mission. We need your prayers to extend the boarders of the Church all throughout this two Provinces as well as the places in Jayapura. 

Church Planting Guide

Be a Fisher of Men

Discipleship in Tipass, Vanimo

Tipass is located between Green Station and Frieda Copper mine along the Sepik River. Traveling there will take you about 1 whole day to get there from Vanimo. Pastor Lawrence and his team traveled there in 2017 to conduct Seminars and powerful sermons nightly. That was in October 2017. From that meeting 39 souls were baptized and are now building a church in their area. Vanimo Green is a challenge to Sepik Mission because there is no presence of Seventh day Adventist in that area. But we are still working and we trust God will help break barriers in that part of West Sepik.

Sepik Mission ACS Congress in 2018. Maprik Town

In this quenquinum, The Adventist Community Service which comprises of Dorcas Welfare and Good Samaritan Men attended a Mission Congress which each District presented their report on how the work of Community Service has been going on in their districts for the last 4 years. This Mission comprises of two Provinces which is East Sepik and West Sepik or now known as Sandaun. It was an exciting week long program which also featured the guest speaker who was Pastor Cameron Wari, PNGUM Communication Media Director. The highlight of the week was a baptism of 23 candidates and a march around the busiest township of Maprik.

Sepik Mission Evangelistic Crusade 2019

September 1st to 14th 2019

Communication Training

21 Sep 2024, 9:00am