Amanab Station Church Organized and Six Souls Baptized in Sepik Mission

20 Nov 2023

Sepik Mission rejoiced as they organized Amanab station church and baptized six precious souls after a week-long evangelistic meeting that concluded on Sabbath, November 18, 2023. The meeting, themed “Make Me a Sanctuary” based on Exodus 25:8, was held at Amanab sub-station, Bewani Green River District of Sepik Mission.

The meeting drew over 500 people every evening, coming from all over Vanimo, Bewani, Green River Region, and even from the PNG-Indonesia border. Some of them walked for 14 hours to reach the program area, demonstrating their thirst for the gospel and their devotion to God.

Secretary of Sepik Mission, Pastor Jeffrey Saigomi was the keynote speaker for the nightly fellowship and the church pastor of Sumumini church, Minister Stafford Opovi, led out in the morning devotion. They delivered powerful messages that moved the hearts of the listeners and motivated them to make a commitment to Jesus.

Another highlight was the celebration of the organization of Amanab station church as one of the organized churches of Sepik Mission. The church members were overjoyed as they received their certificate of organization and welcomed the new members into their newly organized church.

In appreciation, Pastor Saigomi thanked God for the wonderful results of the meeting and appreciated the speakers, the organizers, the volunteers, and the participants for their support and involvement. He also encouraged the newly baptized members and those who are deciding to do so to remain faithful and grow in their relationship with God.

Kembol Yawisaho
