Local Church Governance

7 resources

Check out our list of resources for local church governance training. Browse through and download the materials to help your church run smoothly.

Day 2 Presentation Materials

Published 30 Jul 2024 Jeffrey Saigomi

Day 2 Presentation Materials

Download 7.22 MB

Published 30 Jul 2024 Jeffrey Saigomi

Download 1.98 MB
All Resources

Published 30 Jul 2024 Jeffrey Saigomi

Download all resources Bundle Pack here!
Download 39 MB
Day 4 Presentation Materials

Published 30 Jul 2024 Jeffrey Saigomi

Day 4 Presentation Materials

Download 4.99 MB
Day 3 Presentation Materials

Published 30 Jul 2024 Jeffrey Saigomi

Day 3 Presentation Materials

Download 6.42 MB
Day 1 Presentation Materials

Published 30 Jul 2024 Jeffrey Saigomi

Day 1 Presentation Materials
Download 15.8 MB
Day 5 Training Materials

Published 30 Jul 2024 Jeffrey Saigomi

Day 5 Presentation Materials

Download 2.58 MB