Church Members Donate to Marembainja Village

28 Jul 2024

Yangoru District, July 27 – A group of church members from Yangoru District extended a helping hand to the residents of Marembainja Village on Sabbath, July 26. The group, comprising youths, Pathfinders, Adventurers, and members of the Adventist Church’s various ministries, donated cooking utensils and clothing to the community.

Despite inclement weather, the group embarked on their journey to Marembainja early in the afternoon. Upon arrival, they were warmly welcomed by village leaders and residents. The church members offered prayers, songs, and biblical messages to encourage the community. In addition to the donations, health workers from Naksimingal provided basic medical services to the villagers.

Grateful for the assistance, the community expressed their appreciation and requested further support. The lack of an Adventist church in Marembainja, despite the presence of two members, has prompted discussions about establishing a place of worship in the village.

The church is calling on the public to pray for the people of Marembainja as they seek to build a stronger presence in the community.

Kimon Kaple
