Japs Adventist Church Dedicated After Weeklong Revival

22 Jan 2024

Japaraka, Papua New Guinea - The Japs Seventh-Day Adventist Church culminated a week of spiritual renewal with the dedication of their new church building on January 21st, 2024. The weeklong fellowship meeting, led by Stewardship Director Pastor Gahphu Kaple, prepared the church both physically and spiritually for the momentous occasion.

The dedication ceremony was officiated by Mission Secretary Pastor Jeffrey Saigomi and other representatives from the Sepik Mission. In his address, Pastor Saigomi emphasized the significance of the church as a place where God dwells among His people. He urged members to respect and cherish the new building, using it solely for God's purposes.

Pastor Kaple then led the congregation in a formal act of dedication, affirming their commitment to using the church for God's work and service. The program concluded on a joyful note with light refreshments served to visitors and guests.

"We are incredibly blessed to have the mission representatives here with us today to dedicate our church," expressed a member of the Japs Adventist Church. "This is a new chapter for our community, and we are excited to serve God in this beautiful space."

However, amidst the celebration, a key need was highlighted by the ward councillor in his speech. He spoke of the urgent need for an Adventist health clinic in the Japs area, stating, "We would like to have a medical clinic here in our village to help with all our medical needs and referrals."

The dedication of the Japs Adventist Church marks a significant milestone for the community, but it also serves as a reminder of the ongoing needs and aspirations of the people. The call for a health clinic underscores the importance of holistic ministry, extending beyond the walls of the church to address the physical and spiritual well-being of the community.

Joe Philip
