Three Baptized as New SDA Church Takes Shape in Boim Sara

20 Oct 2024

On October 16, 2024, the Baimuru Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church initiated the construction of a new church in Boim Sara village in Yangoru District. This marks a significant milestone as it will be the first Adventist presence in the village, which currently has only one member.

The church’s construction follows two successful evangelistic meetings held last year, with a third ongoing under the “Revelation of Hope” campaign. The project began last week, combining daytime building efforts with evening worship sessions.

Recently, the community celebrated the completion of the church roof with traditional “soup,” a typical Yangoru dish, and a communal feast.

Three candidates were baptized yesterday by Pastor Michael Lus, the SSPM Director of Sepik Mission, and 15 individuals publicly declared their faith during Sabbath services.

The church is expected to be completed next year, but additional funds and materials are still needed. Local youth participated by raising awareness about the initiative through a march around the village prior to the opening ceremony.

Community support remains crucial as this marks a new chapter for Adventism in Boim Sara.

Kimon Kaple
