Eight individuals were baptized in Avatip village along the Sepik River on January 18, 2025, following a two-week evangelistic campaign led by Minister Ian Gubis and Pastor Livai Yirvi. The baptismal ceremony, officiated by Pastor Yirvi, was witnessed by church members and the local community, with an additional 16 people expressing interest in future baptisms.
The campaign was a follow-up to the *PNG FOR CHRIST* initiative held last year, which resulted in the mass baptism of 3,861 new converts across the Sepik Mission. This year’s efforts focused on strengthening the faith of existing believers and reaching out to those who had not yet committed to baptism.
The *PNG FOR CHRIST* campaign, launched in 2024, has been a transformative initiative for the Sepik region, bringing thousands to the Christian faith. The recent baptism in Avatip village is seen as a continuation of this spiritual revival, with church leaders expressing optimism about the growing interest in baptism among the community.
“We are grateful to God for the lives touched during this campaign,” said Pastor Livai Yirvi. “The eight baptisms are a testament to the power of the Gospel, and we are excited to see more people stepping forward to accept Christ.”
The church plans to continue its outreach efforts in the Sepik region, with a focus on discipleship programs and community engagement. Members of the Avatip community have welcomed the initiative, expressing hope for continued spiritual growth and unity.