Beglam Adventist Primary School in Sepik River Celebrates Academic Success Despite Hardships

29 Nov 2023 Joe Philip

Beglam Adventist Primary School, a remote school along the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea, celebrated the completion of another successful academic year on Monday, 27th November, 2023. The school, which is operated by the Adventist Education, has been facing many challenges such as lack of resources, facilities and teachers, but has managed to provide quality education to its students with the help of the local community, teachers and the Almighty God.

Tucked along the mighty Sepik River, an hour by boat upstream from the nearest district station of Ambunti, is Beglam. The school is one of the many Adventist Education operated schools in Sepik Mission, which covers the east and the west Sepik provinces. Beglam is like most of the remote schools in the country, who are still in their developmental stages and need more commitment and support to grow. “We started with only 1 classroom and one teacher’s house in 2022, and now we have five classrooms and four teacher’s houses, (three are still under construction),” said Ms Hames, the school head teacher. “We are proud of our students, who have shown great enthusiasm and dedication to learning, despite the difficulties they face every day.” Some of the difficulties include paddling for miles to get to school, and teaching resources. The school also has only five teachers, who have to pay for teaching resources using their own money. “Today, we are grateful to the Lord and Sepik Mission, who have successfully pushed our school through to receive government subsidies for next year.

The occasion was an added blessing with the presence of the Education Director of Sepik Mission, Mr. Lancedown Wirise, who traveled all the way from Wewak to witness this wonderful event as part of his school visits. While complimenting them on their achievements, Mr. Wirise stated, “Though I arrived late, I am pleased with the level of patience that I see here, and I commend you all for that.” In conclusion, he urged the community to build more houses for teachers so that he could send in more teachers to the school. 

The program ended on a high note with the presentation of gifts to students, teachers and guests who all left with a bright smile of satisfaction, appreciation and gratitude.

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The Divine Power of God at Work in Yarakai Village

29 Nov 2023 Patrick Sapau

Fourteen people were baptized in Yarakai village, Ambunti District, on November 25th, 2023, after a one week meeting program led by the mission president for Sepik Mission, Pastor Henry Monape. This addition to their previous baptisms marked the highest number in the district, attributed by the district pastor to the divine power of God.

Yarakai village is a community known for its diverse experiences and activities, as well as the hosting venue for the viral Floating Pathfinder Camporee. Despite the challenges, the community has been seeking to make a change and to follow Christ.

The Holy Spirit has been working in the hearts of the people through His servants, who have been preaching the gospel and encouraging them to make decisions for Christ. Pastor Patrick Sapau, the district director for Ambunti, stated, “It is impossible for such a place like this to have the highest baptisms in the district, unless it is the divine power of God.”

Pastor Monape visited Yarakai village as part of his presidential visit to Yarakai Seventh-Day Adventist Church. He was welcomed by the church members and the community leaders, who expressed their gratitude for his support and guidance. He also praised the church for its growth and commitment to the mission of God.

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Amanab Station Church Organized and Six Souls Baptized in Sepik Mission

20 Nov 2023 Kembol Yawisaho

Another highlight was the celebration of the organization of Amanab station church as one of the organized churches of Sepik Mission. The church members were overjoyed as they received their certificate of organization and welcomed the new members into their newly organized church.

In appreciation, Pastor Saigomi thanked God for the wonderful results of the meeting and appreciated the speakers, the organizers, the volunteers, and the participants for their support and involvement. He also encouraged the newly baptized members and those who are deciding to do so to remain faithful and grow in their relationship with God.

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Angoram Town SDA Church Celebrates Pathfinder and Adventurer Investiture

17 Nov 2023 Malcom N. Pango

Angoram Town Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sepik Mission celebrated the investiture of 36 Pathfinders and 24 Adventurers on Sabbath, November 18, 2023. The event marked the completion of their training in God’s school (Skul bilong Jisas) and their commitment to follow Jesus as their greatest master guide.

The Pathfinders and Adventurers received their certificates and badges from the church leaders in the mission, district and the church, who congratulated them for their hard work and dedication. Among the church leaders was the Youth Director of Sepik Mission - Pastor Richie Gako, who also took part in awarding and commending the Adventurers and the Pathfinders. They also expressed their gratitude to God for His guidance and blessings throughout the year.

The club is also preparing to attend the upcoming PNGUM Pathfinder camporee at Lae, Morobe Province next month, where they will meet and fellowship with other Pathfinders from different missions in Papua New Guinea. They are looking forward to learning more about God and His love, and to share their testimonies and experiences with others.

Members of the club and the church praised God for His glory and thanked Him for the opportunity to serve Him through the Pathfinder and Adventure ministries. They also prayed for God’s protection and provision as they travel to the camp and continue their journey of faith.


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